OOLS Club News
OO Live Steam Club
Supporting OO Live Steam and its Community
The Engine Shed
OOLS Service & Repair Scheme
Got a Problem? Loco not running well? Loco not working?
Since the original OO Live Steam loco launch at the end of 2003 Hornby have continued to service and repair the product for over fifteen years but this support has finally come to an end.
The OO Live Steam Club ethos is to support club members and the Club Constitution Aims relative to this Service/Repair scheme include:-
'Helping Members Running Live Steam by providing information on':
Routine maintenance and cleaning·
Advanced maintenance including replacing seals·
To Create a Series of “How to…” documents/leaflets/videos/DVD’s
To source and stock spare parts to guarantee the continued running of locos.
To meet these aims the club and its members have already created and provide access to
In line with the club ethos we now provide a Service & Repair scheme for the benefit of club members worldwide.
Unfortunately due to the litigious nature of the market in North America and Canada restrictions imposed by our Public Liability insurers exclude these areas from inclusion in the scheme.
Experience has shown that even 'new' (now over 15 years old) locos will need cleaning and servicing if they are to become good performers and the OOLS Club Tutorial videos have been provided to support club members in maintaining their own locos in good running order.
However, from club member contact at Roadshows, various posts on the forum and numerous emails received we are very aware that:-
Some club members, for whatever reason, may not in a position to undertake the work themselves.
Some club members having followed the tutorials have come across a more complex problem that they cannot resolve.
Some club members have a locos with problems not yet covered in the tutorials.
The OOLS Service and Repair Scheme has been designed to help resolve as many of the above issues as possible. It consists of two parts.
Routine Service - includes consumable spares and completed as per the Standard Operating Procedure
Repairs - Work and/or parts required in addition to the Routine Service
Experience has also shown that it is rare for a loco to only need a Routine Service with the majority requiring some form of additional work/parts for them to be restored to full working order and members should bear this in mind before deciding to use this scheme.
If you would like to submit a loco to the Service and Repair Scheme please ensure that you read and understand the information linked to each of the four buttons below and that you are happy with the level of work, terms, conditions and pricing before you commit your loco via the scheme procedure.